We are your local community college, and we desire to partner with you to meet our service area's education, training, and workforce needs. Ivy Tech Indianapolis is the state's largest Ivy Tech service area, comprising Marion, Boone, and Hendricks Counties, with locations in downtown Indianapolis, including the Emerging Manufacturing Collaboration Center (EMC2) at 16 Tech, as well as in Lawrence, Plainfield, and the International Marketplace on the city's northwest side.
At Ivy Tech Indianapolis, we provide Hoosiers with affordable degrees, short-term certificates, and other credentialing or professional development tailored to their needs.
Our Ivy Tech Indianapolis campus serves more than 31,000 students annually through in-person, online, or hybrid learning modalities. We can also tailor custom training and education programs with our high school partners, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, and employers. Our commitment is to meet the needs of learners wherever they may be—in their homes, on their jobs, through community-based or faith-based organizations, or on our campuses.
Our innovative faculty and staff continue to build partnerships with employers to meet the needs of students and reinvigorate our local and regional economy. This is a testament to their quality and commitment. We are committed to building new and innovative partnerships with our community partners like you and enhancing and scaling our existing efforts with longstanding partners where possible.
– Dr. Stacy Atkinson, Chancellor